Synergie Share

paragraphe bas
Bloc Synergie

share price in euros

latest price


share price in euros

closing price




high for the year

52 week


low for the year

52 week



January 1st


market cap



March 26, 2025 - 14h14






Synergie Group is listed in Compartment B of Euronext Paris since the markets were reformed into the new European stock exchange configuration under ISIN code FR0000032658.




Liquidity of the stock

A liquidity contract, pursuant to the AMAFI (formerly AFEI) charter, was signed on 28 January 2007 between the Company as the issuer and Oddo BHFSCA as the intermediary.
The liquidity of the stock increased substantially in 2014, averaging around €250,000 per day.




Trading of shares and voting rights

Synergie shares may be freely traded and there are no statutory limitations on the exercise of voting rights.
Double voting rights are assigned, in respect of the percentage of share capital they represent, to all shares that are fully paid up and proven to have been registered in the name of the same shareholder for a period of at least two years, as well as registered shares granted free of charge to shareholders in the event of a capital increase through incorporation of reserves, profits or share premiums, by virtue of old shares for which they have this right.